Uzlabojiet savu kompetences un profesionalitātes līmeni, sadarbojoties ar Konica Minolta – starptautisku korporāciju!
Mums ir ļoti svarīgi, lai mūsu partneri saglabātu sava uzņēmuma identitāti. Katrs uzņēmums ir atšķirīgs, un katram uzņēmumam piemīt tieši tam raksturīgi unikāli veiksmes faktori. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai partnerim piemīt specializētas zināšanas konkrētā nozarē, vai partnera stiprā puse ir plašs zināšanu un produktu klāsts, uzņēmums Konica Minolta atbalsta dažādību un apzinās, ka atšķiršanās no citiem ir viena no jebkura uzņēmuma stiprajām pusēm.
Mūsu Partneru programmas pamatvērtības:
Mūsu Konica Minolta Partneru programma ir skaidri saprotama, godīga un caurredzama. Partneri nosaka mūsu savstarpējās sadarbības līmeni un šīs sadarbības sniegtās priekšrocības, nodrošinot atbilstību katra sadarbības līmeņa prasību kopumam. Partnera statusu noteiks kritēriju klāsts, nevis viena kritērija izpilde. Tādējādi partneri varēs turpināt izmantot savas uzņēmuma stiprās puses, nevis pielāgot savu uzņēmumu mūsu prasībām.
Konica Minolta is a global brand and as a company we stand for:
These are values we live and breathe, and also like to apply when working with our Partners and inspired us to establish our Partner Programme.
We are committed to supporting the growth of your business and developing a sustainable partnership with realistic targets and profitable benefits, such as bonus payments when targets have been met. All you have to do is to fulfil a set of requirements that are clearly outlined as part of this Programme.
To support you in improving your knowledge and knowhow you can take part in skills building programmes.
We are interested in our Partners and their business. Rather than determining the partnership level purely on the basis of turnover with us, we have defined a number of criteria that can improve Partner status. In other words, we are accommodating the Partners business model, rather than moulding theirs to suit ours.
The more criteria a Partner business fulfils, the higher your partnership level will be, and the more benefits a Partner will receive.
Konica Minolta´s Partner Programme is a win-win relationship. We´re committed in supporting Partner business to grow, so that we will grow together.
When creating the Partner Programme, we tried to make sure to offer our Partners a number of benefits when joining the Partner Programme.
Clear and concise achievements and benefits
Common goals, mutually agreed at the beginning of each year by going through a joint business plan to support the growth of the Partner business.
Maximising business visibility by being on the Konica Minolta “where to buy” finder on our country websites. This means customers looking for Konica Minolta products on the website will be directed to your business.
Skills and knowledge growth: Our Partners can take advantage of Konica Minolta training courses, which depending on partnership level may be provided free.
Certification for proven skills and knowledge to offer state-of-the-art products and solutions from Konica Minolta.
Many of our products and solutions do require special skills and knowledge and as a result need an increased commitment from our Partners.
To give end customers piece of mind in those areas we offer a number of certifications to those Partners who have acquired specialised knowledge in a certain specific field or product range. After going through additional training and fulfilling certain conditions that verify their expertise, Partners are able to advertise their certification on top of their partnership level through certificates.
Nominated contacts in each business will go through a series of training courses to gain all the knowledge and expertise they need to become a certified expert. Konica Minolta Partners who take part in our product certification process are eligible for an enhanced set of benefits, such as additional training and specialist support.
Please go to your local country website for detailed information which certifications are available to you locally.